Born November 16, 2009 at 1:07am weighing in at 6 lbs. 14 oz. The wonder of it all! Here's the latest in our adventure of grand-parenting! For more please click on "photo gallery" one or two or three! |
Opa and Kai listening to Adventures in Odyssey
(click to enlarge) |
Note: the pictures below date from Kai's birth during our visit to Canada to celebrate with the family. The pictures above date from our return to England.
December 19, 2009
Today the Clarke and Moerman families gathered for a simple home dedication service for Kai. Carol and I were grateful for Chris and Julie's timing to allow us to participate. Julie's father, John, shared words from Psalm 127:3-5, I shared scriptures related to the meaning of Kai's name, we prayed, and others including Julie's mother Lyza, Carol and Julie's brother Dave shared words of encouragement.
This, and occasions like them, are deeply significant to me because the words of blessing, prayer and scripture spoken over Kai are not limited to the well-wishing of those who love him but have the power and reality spoken of in scripture as "living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating even to dividing soul and spirit..." (Hebrews 4:12)
For that reason I'd like to share a part of what was spoken over Kai:
When Gabriel announced the coming of John the Baptist to Zachariah and Elisabeth, he said, "you shall call his name John. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great before the Lord. And he must not drink wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb. And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God, and he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared." (Luke 1:13-17)
The Lord will do His part, and far more. Chris and Julie, and all of us who receive the awesome privilege of being parents, have our part in responding to His covenant. And Kai, may you set your heart to becoming a fully devoted follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, now and for eternity..."
December 9, 2009
Kai is now just over 3 weeks old, Chris is back at work in home renos and both he and Julie adjusting to new sleep schedules and all that new parents encounter in the joy and excitement of the marvel of child birth! Part of the fun is having Cary back (see Oct. 25 below) to help capture the mood and reality of the wonder of it all. Enjoy!
November 16, 2009 - Happy Birthday, Kai! (click some photos below to enlarge)
From Carol: The pride and delight in the second grandson is no less than the first! What a privilege to be able to share in the intimate experience of childbirth, and watch your children become parents. I was in church with Matt and Chantalle, basking in the joy of being an Oma to Canaan, when I got the phone call that Julie was in labour. There is no better way to get the news out that Kai was on his way, than learning of it at church!
Chris had been working on a song for Kai, and him singing it again and again was the primary thing that helped Julie through her contractions - perhaps the first guitar-playing labour-coach in history!
Kai managed to descend the birth canal on his side, making his delivery a prolonged and painful experience. Julie has become a legend at Ridge Meadows Hospital, delivering him naturally, without drugs.
Both moms, Lyza and I, were invited to be part of the support team, and Melanie 'happened' to be working Sunday night, and was one of the attending nurses - surely the Lord's divine scheduling! The male Clarkes were waiting outside the delivery room, and two sisters hovered in the wings - a real family affair, and the whole family embraced Kai upon his arrival.
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
Julie has had a couple of extra days in hospital to recover, but both mom and babe are doing very well.
(left) Chris with Julie's brothers, David and Matt Clarke
(below) Melanie, the attending maternity nurse with Julie, enjoying Kai after her 'shift' at Ridge-Meadows Hospital.
October 25, 2009
Much of this season is the anticipation! Helping remember this exciting phase is a friend in photography who captured the following images of Julie, the beautiful mom-in-waiting!
July 9, 2009
The trip to the Coquitlam had a bit of a party atmosphere. Chris and Julie, Carol and Melanie were on their way for an ultrasound to discover the gender of their baby - due to be born November 24, 2009.
The photo (below, left) is of Julie in the ultrasound room looking at her first image of their child. The technician confidently announced: "It's a boy!" and we have only to be patient for 4 1/2 months to meet him in person. Chris and Julie have named him "Kai Christopher John"!
Kai speaks of Chris and Julie's love of the ocean; Christopher John names him after his father, who Carol and I named believing he would be a "Christ bearer" (Christopher) and after his grandfather (John).
After the ultrasound Chris and Julie (above, right) emerged to celebrate their healthy baby and anticipate the exciting days ahead!
Carol and I, and the rest of their families, are doing the same...