Ezekiel: A Message of Hope

Devotions from the prophet Ezekiel written to mobilize prayer for Europe

Our Foolishness, His Wisdom - Ezekiel 33:1-11

I have made you a watchman...hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. (v.7)

Gladys Aylward was an English parlor maid when she met Jesus. Transformed, she dreamed of going to another country to share the life she had found in Him. Applying to China Inland Mission, she failed their entrance requirements. Undeterred, she bought a train ticket and set out across Russia on the Trans-Siberian railway. She settled in a remote province of China. Joining another missionary, they opened an inn for muleteers. As the men enjoyed good food and a warm bed, they also were entertained. The women told stories of Jesus.

Later, officials commissioned Gladys to help abolish the custom of foot-binding, giving her access to homes and undreamed-of opportunities to spread the Gospel. She eventually became involved in prison reform, established orphanages, leper treatment centers, and churches. She served the Chinese people until her death.  "My heart is full of praise that one so insignificant, uneducated, and ordinary in every way could be used to his glory for the blessing of his people in poor persecuted China."

God's desire is for all to turn to Him and live. He has called us to be watchmen, extending His invitation to those who are weighed down by burdens too heavy to bear, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. More important than either our ability or inability is our availability!

Prayer:  Jesus, your final instructions to your disciples were to go and make disciples. Thank you for those who continue to respond to that call. May I serve you where I you've placed me, with priority on your call on my life.