Stimulating Local and World Mission
In seeking to encourage and resource leaders for disciple-making, church planting and movements, here are some of Murray's contributions....
Moerman, Murray, "The 'Discipling a Whole Nation' Challenge for Canada" - D. Min. Dissertation, Fuller Seminary, Pasadena, 1991.
Research Survey:
Moerman, Murray and Lorne Hunter, An Initial Survey of the 'Harvest Field' and 'Harvest Force' in Canada - 1996 (Unpublished. Prepared for Canadian National Church Planting Initiative, October 27-28, 1996, Toronto. Agenda for use of the document to launch Church Planting Canada here)
Moerman, Murray, ed., Transforming Our Nation: Empowering the Canadian Church for a Greater Harvest. Delta, BC: Church Leadership Library, 1998. 450 pages. (ISBN 0-9694564-2-5)
Moerman, Murray, ed., Discipling Our Nation: Equipping the Canadian Church for Its Mission, Delta, BC: Church Leadership Library, 2005. (ISBN 0-9694564-4-1)
Moerman, Murray, Mobilizing Movements: Leadership Insights for Discipling Whole Nations. Littleton, CO: William Carey Publishers, 2021. 286 pages. (ISBN: 978-1-64508-229-3)
Magazine articles: