
Bearing Fruit


Day 8: 3 Simple Skills Every Christ Follower Needs

Welcome to Day 8 as you
Take the Missional Challenge!

Take the Missional Challenge is a 31 Day experience designed to help align believers with Jesus' mission. Each day's post includes missional concepts and activities. For more information - click here.

"It is the nature of a disciple to make more disciples. They can't help themselves--this is who they are."            - David Watson

Jesus was a disciplemaker. He started a disciplemaking movement. He not only made disciples, but He sent His disciples to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).

In the 21st Century, the practices of being a disciple and making disciples aren't intuitive to Christians. Yet it should be the most basic missional activity for all believers. Jesus expects His followers to help others to follow Him.

3 Simple Skills
Every Christian needs to align with Jesus' mission. This includes developing personal skills that will result in fulfilling that mission. 

Skill #1: Follow Jesus!

Skill #2: Help Others to Follow Jesus!

Skill #3: Help Others to Help Others to Follow Jesus!  

Here's a brief video about these 3 skills. (3 min)



Discover Ways to Help Others Follow Jesus.

1. Develop daily habits as you follow Jesus.
          + Faith habits - embracing the cross
          + Love habits - experiencing community
          + Hope habits - engaging the culture
2. Help someone you know to follow Jesus.
          + Show them how you follow Jesus.
          + Teach them to obey Jesus.
          + Pass on habits of faith, hope, love

Day 8 Missional Challenge: Commit yourself to follow Jesus fully. Help someone you know to follow Jesus!

Related Posts:
How Jesus Made Disciples
Pre-Conversion Discipleship
Making Disciples vs. Being Disciples