Cornelia Willemina Moerman
(van Leeuwen) 1925 - 2008
Our dear mother passed "from death to Life" (John 5:24) on June 21, 2008 following a series of strokes.
Born in Holland April 20, 1925, she married her beloved husband Johannes (John) Moerman on March 10, 1948. The photo to the right shows them as much in love after 55 years (5 years of engagement during the war years and 50 years of marriage) as when they began.
After 50 years of loving and raising their children and of fruitful ministry as a pastor's wife, she was widowed on March 28, 1998. She left a rich heritage! - 8 children, 28 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.
We rejoice in her loving life, godly example and faithful devotion to her family, many friends and Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Our mother's greatest joy is that you too would trust Christ the Saviour and join her in Heaven.
Photos of Corrie Moerman and her side of the family, please click here; or of John and Corrie's early years together, please click here
Family history of the van Leeuwen family by Dr. Charles van Leeuwen (in the Dutch language), please click here
Family history and memoirs of our father, John Moerman, please click here
Video of our parents taken one week before our father's passing, please click here
After her first stroke at age 80, she made friends with a word processor and begin to type, with one and sometimes two fingers, with the desire to record her memoirs which you may read or download, in PDF or Word format, by clicking on the links below.
Philip van Leeuwen, editor of the "vanleeuwenjournaal", also coordinated translation so that Corrie's work could be available in her mother tongue:
English Version
Dutch Version - PDF
1. Title Page
2. Contents
3. Childhood
4. Life at Home (During the War Years)
5. The War Years (I)
6. Jan Moerman
7. The War Years (II)
7. Herinneringen aan de vijf jaar na het uitbreken van de Tweede Wereldoorlog.pdf
8. Freedom at Last
9. Marriage
10. Emigration and Immigration
11. College and Seminary
12. First Pastorate - Galt, Ontario
13. The Alberta Years
13. de jaren in Alberta - Edmonton, Monarch, Mayerthorpe.pdf
14. The British Columbia Years
15. Visit to Holland (1981)
16. March 28, 1998
Final Reflections:
55 Years with Dad (recap) PDF RTF