Disciples who make disciples

Jesus calls us to "go and make disciples" (Matthew 28).

Rivers begin with raindrops. Disciple-making movements (DMM) begin with a small number of disciples, even one small group.


Short video on Jesus's call to make disciples who make disciples.

Please take a few moments to read this article on how we can grow as disciples who make disciples.

A simple graphic may help:

In our natural social networks, using a simple seven-question format, ordinary followers of Jesus can start disciple-making groups which multiply, 1, 2 or even 3 times. (If you'd like more detail, please see this external link or PDF)

Personal Preparation:

Ask yourself "who am I discipling?" Ric Thorpe helps us think through this vital question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDUkSYBrK8E

Pick up a notebook for use with the seven-question small group process.

Take a few minutes to list and regularly pray for seven people you care about who are not yet followers of Jesus.

Next Steps...

One - Starting your first group: page or (pdf)

When you've led a couple times, ask others in your group to facilitate the group 2 or 3 times.

Then you are ready for...

Two - Helping others start groups: page or (pdf)

Here is a guide you can offer those you've trained who are now starting their own groups: PDF

Along the way, you may have questions. Click here for FAQs (coming soon).