Murray's Blog 2019
Occasional reflections on the Journey...
January 13, 2019
How then shall we Live?
When I was young I remember arguing for a wise stewardship of time:
"If you knew you would die tomorrow, how would you live today?" I asked. "If your time to die were extended by a week or month, how would you live differently during that short time?
Why not then live that same kind of "different" if your life is extended 50 years or 75? Because the day will come when death is only 24 hours away. The same way to live for what is ultimately important remain, regardless of how close you and I are to that last day."
Today I turn 70. My view of the stewardship of time hasn't changed since I argued the implications of the brevity to life to collage friends in the 1960's. Not out of a fear of death but out of a desire for the fulfillment of the gift of God and the promise of life, in particular the life of eternity which has already begun in Christ Jesus.
July 5, 2019
Why Silent?
An Indian friend, working among the poor and vulnerable, asks an important question to us all, "Khamosh Kyu?" (Why Silent?) in the face of men demonstrating lack of respect for women?
Why remain silent indeed? What other areas come to mind where you've tended to
remain silent when courage is required to speak up?
Some in our society speak up for causes which in fact are self-centered and
contribute to the decay of society. How much more vigorous should we not be in
the defense of virtue? How much more vigorous in the defense of minorities, the weak, the
unborn, those without social power?
November 16, 2019
In the Face of it all (injustice, cruelty and evil)
The night after an overseas trip, when such
reflection often happens, a series of events in Hong Kong, Syria, Chile and our
own continent pressed in. (It would be unwise to rehearse them.) The battle is
often most intense at night. I needed to regroup, simplify and re-focus on the
Lord. In the face of it all, as the world seemed too much, the Lord reminded me
of the path…
Love the Lord your Father God with all your
heart, soul and strength. Desire Him above all else. The Giver is greater than
all the gifts together. The Giver of grace and mercy is greater than even grace
itself. Be His worshiper, in the still of the night, in the heat of battle, in
the joy of His glory.
Do all the good you can in all the ways you
can at all the times you can. (“Do all the good you can, by all the means you
can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you
can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” – John Wesley)
Be His disciple and make disciples that
make disciples. Learn (Word and Spirit), obey, share.
Seek to disciple nations. Social justice.
Prophetic remnant.
Build the church. Biblical literacy,
holiness, leadership.
Look to the good, thank and praise the Lord
for the good. Focus on the good. (Turn away. Do not linger or reflect on evil
events or their meaning. Evil has no meaning or worth.)
In the face of opposition and evil, pray,
love, turn the other cheek, do spiritual warfare only in the authority of Jesus
When overwhelmed in the battle, be still
and seek Him alone who to know is life eternal. Desire God above all. Run to the
strong tower who is your refuge.
If persecuted to the extremity, go to the
Father of spirits and commit your spirit to Him in the final act of love and
If the Lord delivers,
love the Lord with all your heart and desire Him above all else (and repeat the
cycle as long as you have breath.)