Mobilizing Movements: Leadership Insights for Discipling Whole Nations
Glossary: Terms and Acronyms
Part 1: A View from the Top
Chapter 1: The Big Idea: Discipling Your Nation
Chapter 2: Disciple-Making and Church-Planting: Insights to
Build On
Chapter 3: Practical and Tactical Beginnings
Chapter 4: Accelerants
Chapter 5: A Study in Nationwide Disciple-Making Processes,
by Russ Mitchell
Part 2: Starting Where You Are
Chapter 6: Initiating a National Process
Chapter 7: Diverse and Challenging Contexts
Chapter 8: Models on Other Continents
Part 3: Components of a National Vision
Chapter 9: Leadership
Chapter 10: Harvest Field, Harvest Force, Harvest Fruit
Chapter 11: Purposeful Planning: To What End?
Chapter 12: Engaging Leaders Across Your Nation
Chapter 13: Building the Kingdom Locally and Nationally
Chapter 14: Prayer and Action
Chapter 15: Quality and Quantity
Chapter 16: Consolidate and (Re)Build
Part 4: Where to . . . Globally?
Chapter 17: You Are Not Alone
Chapter 18: Good Etiquette for Guests
Chapter 19: Joyful Redundancy
Chapter 20: The King Is Coming
Chapter 21: Steps after the Penultimate
Appendix 1: It’s a DAWN Strategy If ..., Dr. James H.
Appendix 2: 13 Steps to a Successful Growth Program, Dr.
James H. Montgomery
Appendix 3: Best Practices from Europe (NC2P.org)
Appendix 4: National Team Self-Evaluation
Appendix 5: Encouragement for Incremental Progress
Appendix 6: Setting Priorities
Appendix 7: Further Resources and Author’s Website
For Further Reading
About the Author
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