
Ivermectin is an effective re-purposed drug in the treatment of covid. Four billion doses have been administered over decades by under patent to Merck without adverse effect. When the patent expired and the price went down it was thwarted by Big Parma: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/i-dont-know-bigger-story-world-right-now-ivermectin-nytimes-best-selling-author.

Many studies show it's effectiveness in the treatment of covid: https://ivmmeta.com.

When Dr. Pierre Kory, Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center, presented the case for Ivermectin before a US Senate committee and his testimony was uploaded to https://youtu.be/YgOAaLmoa68 and removed by censors. Currently there is a version at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXh1yflndVE&feature=youtu.be.

Dr. Kory was interviewed by Bret Weinstein: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/covid-ivermectin-crime-century-darkhorse-podcast-pierre/id1471581521?i=1000523859023

Ryan Cole: https://lbry.tv/@SaveMedia:5/capitol-clarity-ryan-cole-on-covid-19-vitamin-d-vaccine-concerns:2 (First addresses Vit D, starts discussion of treatment at 12 minutes)

The Epoch Times has also covered the story: www.theepochtimes.com/new-study-links-ivermectin-to-large-reductions-in-covid-19-deaths_3867278.html (June 21, 2021)