
November 16, 2013 Ben flew from Calgary to Vancouver, ring in pocket, to surprise Amber - with both his visit and the purpose for his surprise visit.

Just a month short of one year after meeting Amber shortly before Christmas last year, Ben and Amber - affectionately known to the family as "Bamber" - are engaged!




    Ben and Amber in Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver the evening of their engagement!


Amber Wylie is originally from Killarney, Manitoba, has an MA in Curriculum Development and shares leadership of a small business in the field. 


Amber also has extensive experience in training teachers of English as a second language. She has travelled extensively, particularly in Asia, to train and consult in ESL.In recent months Amber has worn out her WestJet family pass (her sister works for the company) as weekend trips between Vancouver and Calgary have become more commonplace.


Everyone on both sides of the family are grateful and excited! A wedding celebration is being planned for the first week of April.


(Just for fun: my sister emailed congratulations before the announcement; I was happy but responded: "how did you know?" She wrote:

How did I find out...It was kinda fun. We were at the airport Friday night, waiting for our Regina flight to visit J & C, when I heard "West Jet paging Benjamin MO-ER-MAN. Please report to Gate 46 for...." So I went & looked for Ben. When he was done with the agent I went to say hi. Then he told me he was going to Vancouver to pop the question...that Amber didn't know he was coming. Made my day.

Saw him yesterday when I was looking after W & J. Your son is one happy camper!!)

Yes, looks that way - for sure!


And the wedding? You bet!