Discovery Group Scripture Passage Sets
Jesus in the Gospel of Mark
The following is an example of how a Gospel like Mark or John or letter like Philippians or Ephesians can be engaged in bite-sized studies to help us grow as disciples and disciple-makers.
Jesus sent by God 1:1-13
Jesus declares his mission 1:14-20
Jesus delivers and heals 1:21-34
Prayer and Power 1:35-45
Signs of the Kingdom 2:1-12
Sinners made New 2:13:22
Lord of the Sabbath 2:23-3:6
Responses to Jesus 3:7-19
Misunderstood 3:20-35
Word and Soil 4:1-20
Power of Light 4:21-25
Power of the Seed 4:26-34
Jesus and the Storm 4:35-41
Power over Evil Mark 5:1-20
Power over Death Mark 5:21-43 etc... continuing to the end of the Gospel.
Who is Jesus? - Jesus' “I AM’s” in Gospel of John
Jesus makes remarkable claims about himself. If true, no one like him has ever existed. Judge for yourself.
John 1:1-18 (Word of God)
John 6: 27-40 (Bread of Life)
John 8: 1-12 (Light of the World)
John 10: 1-18 (Good Shepherd and Door to the Sheepfold)
John 11: 1-44 (Resurrection and Life)
John 14: 1-20 (True Living Way)
John 15:1-17 (Vine who makes Fruitful)