Psalms 90 - 106 (Book Four)

Growing in Christ

"He opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures." Luke 24:45

Overview of Old Testament or New Testament

Links to observations drawn from other other books of the Bible


Introduction: The English term "Psalms" comes from a Greek word meaning "songs sung to the accompaniment of stringed instruments." The Psalms are collection of poems, prayers and expressions of worship with became the hymnbook of the Jewish people. 73 of the Psalms were written by David, others by Asaph, or the sons of Korah; others were written by authors whose names were not recorded. Most were written during the 10th century BC, during the times of King David and Solomon.


The Psalms include a wide range of expressions and styles. It is best to read them prayerfully to gain insight into their intent. You will notice it's Hebrew poetry is not based on rhyme or meter, but on rhythm and parallelism. Therefore you will find repetition of ideas: first by an initial expression or image, then an expansion in different terms. Because the psalms were sung we find Hebrew musical terms in the margins (the meanings of which are not known with precision) including "Selah" (pause, crescendo or musical interlude), Maskil (contemplative) and Mikhtam (epigrammatic in style).


The Psalms include those anticipating the coming of the Messiah, lament psalms crying out to God for help, testimony psalms telling others what God has done, pilgrim psalms sung by travellers on their way to Jerusalem, imprecatory psalms asking for God's judgement on the violent and unjust, penitential psalms sorrowing over sin, wisdom psalms providing guidelines for godly people, historical psalms looking back on God's dealings with His people, and nature psalms reflecting on the handiwork of God in creation.


Psalm 90


The Brevity of Life: God sustains us, despite our sin, in the brevity of life. In this brief journey of life God is our safe home (v.1), He provides perspective as he shows us His long view (v.3-6), giving wisdom and meaning to our daily decisions (v.12). God's anger with our secret sin (v.8) challenges our pride (v.10) and teaches us further wisdom (v.12).

In this realization the psalmist makes 4 requests: Satisfy us at the end of our lives with Your lovingkindness (v.14), Make us glad even through the difficult parts of the journey (v.15), Show us the power of Your hand (v. 16) and Cause the work of our hands to last, to make a difference for eternity (v.17).

Wisdom: The value of knowing God's overriding presence, reality and wisdom is we can make decisions in line with eternity's purpose as well as be patient in difficulty if we don't see their immediate effect.


Practical Application: When faced with a decision, strong emotion or struggle of the will, I will ask myself in His presence, "Which course of action and attitude is in line with Your eternal purpose, glory and character?" When making long term plans (marriage, career, goals in life) I will ask "How will this advance Your purpose?"

My Prayer: Father, how easily I respond to my wants or feelings in the moment without thought of Your eternal purpose. Give me Your eyes and heart and desires that I might be wise and disciplined seeking Your glory. Enable me to present to You, as a treasure on a cushion, a heart of wisdom.

Psalm 91


Who is the God who saves? Four of God's names are used in 2 verses: the Most High or Supreme One; the One who is Sufficient; (Yahweh) the Great I AM, (Elohim) the Lord of the armies of heaven. It is He who is our shelter, refuge and fortress; who is worthy of our trust. It is He who rescues from the trapper (Satan?) and the plague (v.3).

Ryrie: "In Him we are secure at all times (v.5), in all dangers (v.6) and in all circumstances (v.7)." He gives His angels charge of guarding and protecting us (v.11-13). The reason: because we have attached ourselves to Him (allegiance), knowing and confident of His character (v.14).

Without Fear: This protective relationship does not mean we have no trouble in life but that He is with us (v.15) in it, overcomes it and shows us His salvation through it (v.16). We are ultimately secure in Him and therefore need not fear (v.5). In Him is our peace and rest.


Personal Application: I will take shelter in the Lord alone. I will not be shaken. I will not fear.

My Prayer: Father, even though pain or hardship come, I will trust your goodness and final eternal salvation. Thank you for peace and rest in You.

Psalm 92

God is, brings forth and elicits good: It is therefore good to give thanks, to sing praises (v.1), to declare His lovingkindness and faithfulness (v.2) in worship (v.3). It is this good God who makes me glad and causes me to sing (v.4).

Wisdom: involves recognizing, before it happens, the ultimate certain victory of God's goodness over the wicked (v.9). Failing to recognize that the apparent flourishing of the wicked is only temporary, leads to foolishness (v.6-7).

Blessings of the righteous include: strength for service (anointing, v.10 is to dedicated service), flourishing (12-13) and fruitfulness in this service, even into old age (v.14) enabling us to declare, in turn again, the goodness of the Lord (v.15).

God's people can serve with joy and confidence, even in difficult seasons and places, knowing the Lord's ways, though deep in the eyes of men (v.5), are great, good and certain. His people will yield fruit into old age; "they shall be full of sap and very green to declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. (v.14-15)"

Personal Application: I will continue to flourish and serve into old age (v.14) with joy in His presence.

My Prayer: Father, how good it is to sing praises to You to celebrate Your goodness, faithfulness and victory. Thank you for enabling me to flourish into old age. Lord, enable me to declare your rocklike uprightness and goodness to the end.

Psalm 93

The Lord Reigns: The psalmist exults in the sovereignty of God, gloriously clothed in majesty and strength (v.1).

The Earth is Established: Because God's throne is firmly established (v.2), indeed the world is firmly established, it will not be moved. (v.1). The earth is the footstool of God's throne so we may be secure.

Rebellion Unsuccessful: Those who oppose God may be as rising floods and pounding waves (v.3-4) but break on the rocks. God is higher and His every Word remains true (v.5).

Holiness Remains: Forever God is holy and we remain secure in Him (v.5).

Personal Application: I will be unshaken and unshakable, though the waters rise in the heart of the sea. The Lord on High is Mighty. We are unshakeable, utterly confident, full of joy in the Lord!

My Prayer: Father, thank you that we are secure in You forever. Help me keep my eye on You without distraction as evil men rage about us.

Psalm 94

Confidence in the God of Justice: God will certainly judge the earth (v.2) and bring an end to wickedness (v.23). Chastisement, even of those who desire to be righteous, is a blessing so we may learn God's character (v.12).

While Justice is Delayed: The wicked exult (v.3) and vaunt themselves (v. 4) while justice is delayed, as they afflict God's people, even murdering the innocent (v.6). They wrongly assume God does not see (v.7), when in fact He is the One who created their eyes (v.9).

Clinging to God: Because of our confidence that God does not abandon us (v.14) we cling to Him as our refuge and stronghold (v.22). He alone holds us firm, keeps our foot from slipping (v.18) and calms our soul (v.19). Though we experience evil we do not abandon our hope in Him who is the Lord.

Personal Application: I will not allow hope to fade when faced with evil, neither natural catastrophes or evil planned by corrupt humans. I will rather look to the Lord of my hope, to His just end of history and to the benefits of chastisement to winnow out evil, small or large, in my own life.

My Prayer: Father, come display your righteousness and justice throughout the earth. Give us patience each day as we keep our eye fixed on You, even as You are patient with us.

Psalm 95

Call to Joy: The presence of Almighty God who is the only source of our salvation (v.1), calls forth shouts of joy (v.2). He is our only rock of certainty in this chaotic world.

Call to Worship: He is our God and Great King (v.3). The wonder of our God - whose are the depths and peaks of the earth (v.4), the sea and the land (v.5) and we ourselves; who cares for us a shepherd (v.7) - calls us to bow in worship (v.6). What other response could be appropriate?

Call to Obedience: Yet, even to kneel and bow, is nothing without obedience if we are to enter into the rest (v.11) which is an aspect or symbol of our salvation. God's people have (superficially or syncretistically) worshipped in the past (v.8-10) without hearing or heeding God's voice (v.7c). To do so is to lose all.

"Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker! For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…" (v.6-8a)

Personal Application: I will joy in the Lord, centering continually in Him who is the Rock and my Salvation.

My Prayer: Father, tune my heart to hear your voice and turn my heart to obey, promptly and with great joy, in love and worship.

Psalm 96

The gods of the nations: None of the gods of the nations are in their essential character righteous, just or faithful (v.13), they are in fact utterly without value (v.5). Why then worship them, or for that matter, pay them attention of any kind?

Yahweh: is in utter glorious contrast in every way (v.2,3,4,5b,6). Our response therefore is also to be in utter contrast to the nations grovelling before worthless demons (lit. "nothings" (v.5): we rather are lifted to glory as we worship the only true God (v.7-8); we sing (v.1) and proclaim good news to all peoples and nations (v.2-3) that they too may be lifted into His presence.

God's Missionary People: the psalm is a call to God's people to "tell of His Glory among the nations and His wonderful deeds among all the peoples" (v.3). The living God is a missionary God and His people are a missionary people. 

Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the Lord the glory of His name. Bring an offering and come into His courts (v.8)

Personal Application: The Lord is utterly sufficient for all who worship Him. I will return always to Him as I am incomplete without Him. He is sufficient for all the earth and for all of history and beyond. I will look to the Lord for all my needs, for salvation, strength and victory. I will look not to the challenge, evil event or problem before me, but to Him who is our hope, salvation and solution.

My Prayer: Father, with all the nations I worship You alone. Lord, may all the nations, and all the peoples of the nations, worship You.

Psalm 97

Yahweh is the God of all nations: He is utterly awe-inspiring in majesty (v.2) and glory (v.6). His adversaries cannot stand before Him (v.3, 5).

The testimony of nature: the heavens declare His righteousness (v.6) and the mountains melt in His presence (v.5). The Lord is God and there is no other.

Exalted above all created supernatural beings: be they angels, demons or lesser beings we know not. Shame is due those who worship these spirits or idols representing them (v.7). 

The response of the righteous: God's people rejoice and are glad (v.1), both because of His character (v.2), righteous judgments (v.8) and power (v.5), and because He opposes those who persevere in doing evil and delivers His people from them (v.10). Thanksgiving characterizes God's people (v.12). Amazingly, part of our response to His glory is due to the fact God sows as seed light and gladness in His people (v.11).

Personal Application: God's people have reason to be glad in the presence of the Lord as they dwell among the nations and among those from whom the Lord will deliver them. The righteousness that is from the Lord gives me reason to rejoice, despite the evil that remains temporarily on the earth alongside His righteousness. Therefore I will focus on the Lord, His majesty and righteousness, first and foremost, in worship and lifestyle. I will resist evil, confident it will not finally stand.

My Prayer: Father, give me joy and patience. Joy in You, patience for the fullness of your coming Kingdom. 

Psalm 98

Our hope and salvation is in the Lord alone: It is His victory (v.1), His salvation, His righteousness (v.2), His lovingkindness, His faithfulness (v.3) - His and His alone. Though for many of us it takes a life-time to learn, salvation is not to be expected from the world or to flow in any sense from of our own doing. Our hope is from the Lord our Maker and Redeemer. He is our joy and source of songs ever new (v.1). For those willing to see, God saves His people openly, so all may turn to Him (v.3).

The Lord is worthy of praise by all means and from all creation: Joyful praise therefore rises from shouts and songs (v.4), from human voices and stringed instruments (v.5), from trumpets and horns (v.6). Inanimate creation joins in also: the sea and all it contains (v.7), river rapids and mountain grandeur (v.8).

Two sources of joy: salvation given in history v.1) and judgement to come (v.9). Those satisfied with low moral standards and those who seek their hope from the world will not understand this latter bookend. Yet those who suffer injustice and seek His righteousness passionately anticipate His coming to put all things right.

Personal Response: The Lord God is our hope, our joy and key to the meaning of my life and all creation. May I, with all the earth, praise Him! I will hope in Him all the days and circumstances of my life. I will praise the Lord from my heart and with my lips for the certainty which flows from His holy and righteous character; both in salvation and in judgement.

My Prayer: Father, you alone are my hope and joy, my salvation and my peace in the midst of chaos produced by your rebellious creatures. I rejoice in both your salvation and judgement. I worship you alone and call all the earth to join in worship with the redeemed.

Look up the song: My hope is in you Lord, my joy is in you

Psalm 99

The Lord is Above us: in every sense. He is above the angels (cherubim, v. 1), above all people (v.2), above us in holiness (v.3), in His passion for equity, justice and righteousness (v.4).

Response of His People: We can but tremble before Him (v.1) in praise (v3) and worship at His footstool (v.5). Even the greatest of us, Moses, Aaron and Samuel (v.6), who heard His voice (v.7) and whose prayers were heard (v. 8), fell short of His holiness, needing His forgiveness and experiencing the consequences of doing so (v.8). 

Right Relationship: Verses 5 and 9 call us to a profound relationship with this God above all: utter absorption with His majesty and holiness in worship! "Exalt the LORD our God; worship at his footstool! Holy is he!" (Ps 99:5) "Exalt the LORD our God, and worship at his holy mountain; for the LORD our God is holy!" (Ps 99:9)                             

Personal Response: I will, especially when darkness envelops and in wakeful periods in the night, worship the Lord with scripture (Ps 99:5), the simplest of children's songs and with singing in the Spirit. The Lord is great and greatly to be praised!

My Prayer: Father, thank you for displaying who you are and enabling me to worship you with my whole heart, lifting me high above the darkness of Satan's schemes.

Psalm 100

He has made us: the power to create demonstrates Yahweh to be the only true God (v.3). We must not worship ourselves on the illusion that we created ourselves. We must not worship creation itself under the illusion that it made itself without a prior cause.

Know that the LORD Himself is God! It is he who has made us and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. (Ps.100:3 NASV)

He who made us in our shepherd (v.3a): He is good (v.5), faithful and full of lovingkindness. His character is unchanging and eternal.

This changes everything: The world is not random, cold and meaningless. Rather, because of Yahweh's character, our hearts are full of joy, gladness and song (v.1), we serve the Lord freely and spontaneously, we  come with thanksgiving for what He has done and praise for who He is, eager to bless him always. It naturally follows that we want all the earth (v.1) to acclaim Him joyfully with us.

Seldom do so few verses depict the difference Yahweh makes so succinctly, joyfully and with such emotional impact. Of course we would want to declare His goodness to all the earth!

Personal Application: I will closely follow my great and good shepherd. I will lift my heart to the Lord in all circumstances, blessing his name for his power, goodness and faithfulness. Without him I am lost in a dark, random, meaningless world. With Him filled with joy and hope.

My Prayer: Father, how can I say thank you? You lead me to the promised land.

Psalm 101

The character of God is the wellspring of human ethics: God's character is loving-kindness and justice (v.1a). We rejoice in the blessing of God's character experienced in our lives as we worship him (v.1b). David aims to walk in the path of loving-kindness and justice with integrity of heart (v.2), both for himself and his administration.

Separation from evil: David purposes to "know no evil" (v.4) by not letting his eyes dwell on things which are unprofitable morally, i.e. temptation, evil or simply worthless lest they gain a grip on him (v.3). This extends to avoiding those who slander others (v.5), are haughty or arrogant of heart (v.6), deceitful or untruthful (v.7) or otherwise do iniquity (v.8).

Godly company and advice: David recognizes the importance of choosing officials who are faithful to the Lord and seek to be blameless before Him to rule with him (v.6).  The commitment made by David to seek out righteous advisors for his administration is a model for government, business, education and all spheres of life. The consequences of this conviction changes family, community and nations.

Psalm 101:6 - "I will look with favor on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he who walks in the way that is blameless shall minister to me." 

Personal Response: I will seek out and support godly leaders, locally and nationally. I will not look on appearances or be impressed by smooth talk but seek to know convictions of the heart.

My Prayer: Father, raise up godly leaders with the willingness to serve in polarized times. Give courage to lead righteously and bring support from virtuous citizens when controversy arises due to immorality. 

Psalm 102

Hope of the Perishing: The psalmist cries for help (v.1-2) while deeply ill and in danger of dying mid-life (v.23-24a). He speaks of his fever (v.3), frailty (v.4), pain and loss of weight (v.5), loneliness (v.6,8), sleeplessness  (v.7) and sorrow (v.9). His life is withering away (v.11).

Unseen but Certain: While uncertain if he will live, the psalmist finds hope in

1.) the glorious eternity of God (v.12) greater and more enduring than the heavens and earth He created (v.25-27),

2.) the expectation of God's blessing on Zion (v.13-14),

3.) confidence that "all the kings of the earth" will bow before the Lord (v.15, 22),

4.) peoples yet to be created will praise Him (v.18), and

5.) even if the psalmist now dies prematurely (23-24) that his children and their descendants (v.28) will be among those who are blessed to stand firm before the Lord. 


It is striking that the psalmist believes God hears the prayers of the destitute (v.17), the groans of the imprisoned, and will free the condemned (v.20) EVEN IF THE LORD DOES NOT raise the psalmist from his illness-unto-death. The psalmist's ultimate hope lies not in his healing from illness but in the Lord Himself and His sovereign purposes fulfilled in history and eternity.


Jesus: had this confidence also in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross. Note v.25-27 is an expression of worship to Yahweh here but is applied to Jesus in Hebrews 1:10-12 in the strongest possible affirmation of Christ's role in the Trinity.


Personal Response: I will trust the Lord's ultimate purposes, goodness and glory, even if I do not see the expression of it I desire in prayer today or if my body perishes.


My Prayer: My Father in Heaven, my confidence in you is greater than in what I see in a given moment. You are eternal and Your glory and victory will be seen by all and worshipped at the time of your choosing. My joy will be complete in You!

Psalm 103

How to Prepare our Heart for Worship: David urges every part of his being to worship the Lord (v.1) for every part of His goodness to us (v.2). God's blessings include His pardon and healing (v.3), He saves our lives from death and adds loving-kindness and compassion to our experience of living (v.4), He renews and satisfies our deepest needs (v.5). He intervenes for the good of the oppressed (v.6) even as He revealed His character to Israel when they were slaves in Egypt (v.7).

The Breadth of His Grace: God shows His goodness in being slow to anger (v.8) and, when our sin arouses His displeasure, He limits the consequences of our sin (v.10) and the duration of His righteous anger (v.9). For those who rightly fear Him (v.11, 13, 17-18), His lovingkindness is as high as the heavens and He moves our sin as far as east is from west away from His presence (v.11-12). He knows our frailty (v.14) as a Father knows the vulnerability of his children (v.13).

Length of His Grace: We are as a flower which flourishes for a season and is forgotten forever - but for the Lord! The Lord's lovingkindness both remembers us and is everlasting in His lovingkindness which gives our lives meaning forever. (v.15-18).

Our Praises Mingled with Those of the Angels: Around God's throne, established in heavens (v.19), are His mighty angels (v.20), vast hosts of those who do His will (v.21). These David calls to worship (v.20-21) along with all that the Lord has made and done (v.22). To this vast universal worship, David calls his soul also to add it's praise to Him who is worthy (v.22).

Personal Response: I am not alone in worship and have countless reasons to add all that I am and have to the worship rising from the angels and the universe to Yahweh our creator and redeemer. I will bless the Lord in all circumstances and rejoice that I am doing so with all the angels and the works of His hand He rules.

My Prayer: Father, I'm overwhelmed with Your greatness, goodness and majesty. Yet I ask more ability to worship You as You are worthy to be worshiped! Increase my capacity to perceive and worship Your Glory forever. For You are worthy, worthy, worthy...

Psalm 104

In Praise of God's work in Creation: The psalm may be seen as an extension of Psalm 103 which praises God for his deeply personal care of us. Psalm 104 praises God for his deeply personal care of creation in a poetic parallel to Genesis 1.

Creation is not God: God precedes in time, lives outside of and is greater than His creation which reflects His glory (v.1-4). God gives spirit and life to us and all His creatures, without Him there is neither (v.29, 30).

Creation is orderly: water and land each have their place and purpose (v.5-9) as does the moon and sun (v.19-20).

Creation is purposeful and good: providing for the needs of birds and beasts, satisfying the earth itself with His goodness (v.10-13).

Creation provides for those He loves: food for animals (v.14), wine and olive oil for man (v.15), water for trees (v.16) and trees for birds (v.17), homes and food for animals (v.18,21-22) people (v.23) and the manifold creatures of the sea (v.25-28).

Creation elicits praise and worship: The earth itself is God's possession (v.24) and brings Him pleasure (v.31). As the Lord is glad in His creation (v.31), we are glad in the Lord (v.34), sing praise to Him (v.33) and offer our meditation of Him and His glory in creation (v.34) in worship. So in all things, bless the Lord O my soul! (v.35)

Many people accept God's immanence in creation but few His transcendence before and outside of creation. This psalm, with all of Scripture, acknowledges God in both, and worships Him in each.

Personal Response: I will worship the Lord in what I see of His hand in creation, and I will worship the Lord in what I cannot see before time and outside of creation. "I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being" (v.33).

My Prayer: Father, what joy is in my heart when I meditate on your power and goodness to me and all your creation. Lord, how could wickedness wish to continue (v.35)? It must not. I will praise you forever!

Psalm 105

Review of the Pentateuch: the psalm reviews the call and grace of God from the giving of His covenant to the entrance of Israel into the promised land. God's faithfulness to His covenant gives us testimony to share with our children and the nations of the character of God and His worthiness of worship and obedience.

Centrality of Yahweh: Yahweh alone is the reason for thanksgiving (v1), praise and worship (v.2). He is the source of His covenant, right judgments in the moral universe He created (v.5,7), wonders and all good things (v.5). Therefore we seek, rejoice and glory in Him continually (v.3-4):

"Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice! Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!" (Psalm 105:3-4) 

Yahweh's Covenant: made with the patriarchs (v.9-10) is for 1000 generations (v.8) and beyond, even everlasting (v.10).

Yahweh's Salvation: God has protected His people (v.13-15) in anticipation of the fulfillment of His promise (v.11) in so many ways. He did so through Joseph who was sold into slavery (v.17) but was raised to glory (v.21) as a foretaste of salvation. Likewise Israel was reduced to slavery (v.25) but delivered by God's mighty hand (v.27-36), even enriched in their deliverance by their captors (v.37-38). God provided for His people in the wilderness (v.39-41). He gave them a fruitful land (v.44) that they might reflect His glory by living in accord with His character before the nations (v.45).

Personal Response: The covenant of God is for 1000 generations and for my children also, therefore I will speak with my children of the nature of God's covenant ("He will do and be, I will do and be") in Christ with them.

My Prayer: Father, pursue my children and grandchildren I pray by Your covenant love and faithfulness until they are fervent for You. 

Psalm 106

Reflections during Captivity: in Babylon including…

Reflection on God's Praiseworthy Character: What is God like in His essence? He is good, loving and kind, everlasting, unchanging, mighty in power (v.2), just and righteous (v.3). No one can adequately praise Him in a way equal to His glory and worth (v.2). Yet we can ask for His favor and salvation (v.4) that we might rejoice in His glory and goodness.

Reflection on Israel's Rejection of the One who Bestowed Favor on Them: at the Red Sea (v.7-12), rejecting the miracle of manna (v.13-15), rejecting the leaders God had appointed (v.16-18), turning to the gods of Egypt molding a golden calf (v.19-23), refusing to enter the Promised Land (v.24-27), turning to Chemosh the Baal of the Moabites (v.28-31), yearning for slavery rather than trusting God (v.32-33"), instead of removing the Canaanites, intermarrying with them and taking up their idolatrous practices (v.34-39).

The result: God turned Israel over to the nations who hated them, allowing them to rule over Israel because they rejected the God who formed, delivered and loved them (v.40-43).

Yet, even as Israel sank low due to their iniquity (v.43) God heard their cry (v.44) and showed them compassion in the presence of their captors (v.46).

Israel's Prayer: that the Lord would save them, one more time, that they might, this time, give thanks and glory in Him alone from everlasting to everlasting (v.48).

The most common complaint against the OT is God's command to destroy the Canaanites. Why did God do so? Verses 34-39 make clear the reason for God's judgement. Israel also suffered for choosing Canaanite demons over the Living God, suffering which included their defeat and Babylonian captivity.

Personal Response: I will be faithful to the Lord and remain so under pressure from society and against temptation from satan. "I will bless the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting! (v.48)"

My Prayer: Father, help turn my heart, when I veer even a degree off course, back to You alone with joy and thanksgiving!