Jesus Christ
Dear Friends at Outreach Canada:
In response to overwhelming demand, I would like to share some thoughts about meditation.
One of the most common-sense discussions of this topic can be found in The Purpose-Driven Life by Rick Warren. On page 90, Mr. Warren writes:
When you think about a problem over and over in your mind, that's
called worry. When you think about God's Word over and over in your mind,
that's meditation.
As Christians, we know how important prayer is to every aspect of our lives. Meditation is a form of prayer, yet it is a form where we do not specifically ask for anything from God. By calmly concentrating upon and repeating a certain piece of Scripture, we affirm our faith and simply enjoy God's presence.
My own favorite verse for meditation is Romans 5:1:
"Therefore since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (RSV)
"Justified by faith" is of course a phrase weighted with meaning. We are justified by faith rather than works. In other words, Jesus deserves all the credit for our salvation. This idea was at the heart of the Great Reformation and is still relevant to us today.
"Peace with God": think about it! If we are at peace with God, what have we to worry about? We can experience peace of mind, peace in our hearts-glorious, joyful peace. I believe we are invited to drink deeply of this peace.
"Through our Lord Jesus Christ": this phrase requires no explanation but we are reminded of the beautiful, powerful mystery of the Holy Trinity.
There are no rules for meditation. You may do this in whatever method works for you. It might become a daily habit, or it might be a "last resort" technique when you are feeling stressed. The idea is simply to repeat the scripture over and over, trying to focus on and enjoy the meaning. Your mind may wander-I know mine certainly does, sometimes amazing distances.
Some may not feel the need for meditation. Others, however, may be amazed at how well this works to calm themselves down and level themselves out.
I would be interested to hear what comments people have regarding their personal experience of meditation.
"Department of Meditation and Contemplation"