Letter of Jude
Standing Firm in Christ
"He opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures." Luke 24:45
Overview of Old Testament or New Testament
Links to observations drawn from other other books of the Bible
Practical and Pastoral Observations on the Letter of Jude (please read Jude's letter slowly and meditatively before reading observations below):
Introduction: The Letter of Jude is a passionate warning against falling away from the Gospel and vivid description of the unspeakable cost of doing so. Jude is a half-brother of Jesus (Matt 13:5). Jude appears to be speaking widely to the Body of Christ.
Rich Identity: In Christ we are called to salvation and obedience, beloved by the Father from our first knowledge of Him, and kept by His grace for eternity with Christ (v.1). A beautiful salutation: "May mercy, peace and love be multiplied to you."
Believers in Danger: Yet, consistent with Satan's character, ungodly persons, slipping into the Christian community unobtrusively (v.4) are are to the careless, dangerous hidden reefs (v.12) on which we may be sunk into black darkness (v.13) like others before us (v.5-7). False teachers are those who justify sin as an opportunity for God to show grace, denying in fact the Lordship of Christ (v.4), rebellious (v.9-11), fruitless (v.12), shameless (v.13).
We must contend against them (v.3) for salvation, even snatching some out of the fire (v.23). Christ however, as we look to Him, will keep us from stumbling, by His grace as we hold to Him, saved forever (v.24-25).
High Stakes with Delicate Balance: Jude speaks of the unspeakably high stakes whereby we seek to grow in Christ (v.20-21), confront those who lead, if they can, even the saved astray, and yet in mercy try to snatch even some of those who are like brute animals (v.10) from the fire.
Personal Application: I will not take my salvation lightly. I will warn those who are false teachers and those who are in danger of their corrosive influence. I will have confidence in Him who is able to keep me from falling.
My Prayer: Thank you God my Savior for your great mercy! Keep me mindful and true.
Now to Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you without blemish before the presence of His glory with rejoicing, to the God, our Savior through JC our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion & authority before all time, now and forever more. Amen.