Jesus Christ

Facing Persecution

Understanding and Responding to Persecution


Scope of Persecution of Christians in history

Some have argued persecution of Christians has been more sustained than that of others. Historical research suggests 1:

2nd century: 80,000 Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Rome
3rd century: 400,000 Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Rome
4th century: 950,000 Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Rome
5th century: 575,000 Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Persians & barbarians
6th century: 75,000 Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Byzantines
7th century: 330,000 Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Persians
8th century: 110,000 Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Islam
9th century: 330,000 Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Byzantines
10th century: 80,000 Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Islam
11th century: 100,000 Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Islam
12th century: 170,000 Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Islam
13th century: 7.5 million Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Mongols
14th century: 5.5 million Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Islam
15th century: 600,000 Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Islam
16th century: 4 million Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Catholic inquisition
17th century: 360,000 Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Buddhists
18th century: 190,000 Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Islam
19th century: 2 million Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Buddhists
20th century 45 million Christian martyrs, mostly at the hand of Communists
21st century remains yet to be seen.

1 From The Future of the Global Church (Digital Collection), currently available from

Christian Persecution by Century: perpetrators and victims

By century both the severity and source of persecution has varied greatly. Sometimes Christians even persecuted other Christians. Click on the image below for a more detailed breakdown of the source and target of persecution: 2

2nd cent

3rd cent

4th cent

5th cent

6th cent

7th cent

8th cent

9th cent

10th cent

11th cent

12th cent

13th cent

14th cent

15th cent

16th cent

17th cent

18th cent

19th cent

20th cent


    2 From The Future of the Global Church (Digital Collection), currently available from

Remember Jesus' question to Saul, one of the first and most vigorous persecutors of Christians:

"Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"

"Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked.

"I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied. (Acts 9:4-5)